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4th EUROD Winter Meeting - submit your abstract!

Submit your abstract to present your research at the virtual EUROD Winter Meeting. Best abstract will be awarded an ERA-EDTA travel grant for the 2022 EUROD Winter Meeting in Leuven, Belgium!


Submit your abstract for the chance to present your research at the virtual EUROD Winter Meeting in January 2021. 

Deadline: December 1, 2020 at 23h59 CET
In the week of December 14, 2020 authors will be notified about acceptance of their abstract as an oral presentation.

The author of the best abstract will be awarded with an ERA-EDTA travel grant* for the 5th European Renal Osteodystrophy (EUROD) Winter Meeting LIVE in Leuven, Belgium January 2022.

Submit your abstract(s) as a word file to

How to submit structured abstracts:

•   Microsoft Word format (doc or docx)
•   Maximum one A4
•   Times New Roman font 12
•   Margins: All sides minimally 2.5 centimeter
•   Lay out: Title, Authors, Affiliations, Objective, Methods, Results,  Conclusion
•   Language: English

*The Travel grant (for a maximum amount of 500 EUR) can only be granted to ERA-EDTA members (cat. A and B.), who are 40 years old or younger.